True boiling point distillation is an idealized way of distillation. It utilizes a very high flux ratio of one hundred. This method uses over one hundred theoretical plates or stages to increase the contact in the column. These conditions allow for the lower boiling point component to be distilled off without being contaminated by other components in the mixture. Once the first component is vaporized the other components can be distilled off as pure components. ASTM distillation operates much like the TBP distillation method except that it contains no plates and has a reflux ratio of zero. Equilibrium Flash Vaporization (EFV) heats incoming crude and before it enters a flash drum where the separation of liquid and vapor occurs. This method allows for non-batch distillation.
Each method separates the crude to a different degree. From highest to lowest separation are TBP, ASTM, and EFV. Even though TBP has the highest level of separation, which does not mean that it is the best. Each method has a use in the petroleum refining industry. ASTM methods are used for property calculations as well as correlations of distillate fractions. EFV provides flashing operations data. ASTM methods are outlined in the ASTM D-2892. This standard is used to approximate the TBP distillation.