Most municipal wastewater refineries are used for the treatment of water from residential houses and areas. The equipment in these plants are not equipped to treat the toxic runoff from hydrocarbons that come from petroleum refineries. These wastewaters are divided into four different types of categories which are: sanitary sewer, storm water, water and steam, and cooling water. These categories contain many harmful pollutants such as dissolved solids, suspended solids, cyanides, and liquid hydrocarbons among a few others. Utilizing a steam process these pollutants must be taken out from the water from the water. After the completion of this process where the toxic chemicals are stripped from the wastewater, they can be brought to municipal wastewater treatment plants and the water can be treated. There is also the option of using biological means to treat the water. The use of microorganisms that eat or dissolve the pollutants can be used as a secondary means of treatment. This process produces bicoke which. Wastewater treatment is a very important part of keeping any urbanized area’s water clean and safe.